
Песни I can see a new horizon и клип Видеоклип 'Миллионы историй — память одна' Rublev.com представляет

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Добавил: 2015-10-04

Посетило: 455

Время: 05:11

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Ещё от артиста DJ Rublev

Текст данной песни:

I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky
I'll be where the eagles flying higher and higher
Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where the future's lying - St. Elmo's fire
St. Elmo's fire, St. Elmo's fire, St. Elmo's fire...

I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky
I'll be where the eagles flying higher and higher
Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where the future's lying - St. Elmo's fire

I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky
I'll be where the eagles flying higher and higher
I can climb the highest mountain, cross the wildest sea
I can feel St. Elmo's fire burning in me

But maybe sometime you feel the pain
But maybe sometime you feel the pain
In me

I can see a new horizon
I can see a new horizon
I can see a new horizon
I can see a new horizon
I can see a new horizon
I can see a new horizon
I can see a new horizon
I can see a new horizon
New horizon, new horizon, new horizon...

I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky
I'll be where the eagles flying higher and higher
Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where the future's lying - St. Elmo's fire

I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky
I'll be where the eagles flying higher and higher
Gonna be your man in motion, all I need is a pair of wheels
Take me where the future's lying - St. Elmo's fire

I can see a new horizon underneath the blazing sky
I'll be where the eagles flying higher and higher
I can climb the highest mountain, cross the wildest sea
I can feel St. Elmo's fire burning in me

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Видеоклип 'Миллионы историй — память одна' Rublev.com представляет
Видеоролик из серии "Миллионы историй — память одна", посвященной первому дню Великой Отечественной войны. Rublev.com.

Проект реализуется в сотрудничестве с мемориальным центром «Свеча памяти».

Режиссер — Жанна Карабалаева. Продюсерская группа — Наталья Симонян и Илья Шерстобитов.

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