
Песни Just After the Song of Songs OST "Youth и клип Видеоклип Bee Gees - You Should Be Dancing

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  • Другие песни David Lang

Добавил: 2016-12-16

Посетило: 488

Время: 12:47

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Ещё от артиста David Lang

Текст данной песни:

just your mouth
just your love
just you are at nineteen miles
just your name
just you are shameless
just your love
and my own
and my soul
just your flock
just your companions
just your kids
just your cheeks
just your neck
just your couch
and my parfume
and my beloved
and my breasts
and my beloved
and my love
just your eyes
and my beloved
our couch
our house
our laughters
and my love
and my beloved
just your shadow
just your fruit
just your ... over me
just your left hand
just your right hand
and my beloved
and my beloved
our war
and my beloved
and my love
and my fair one
and my love
and my fair one
and my dove
just your face
just your voice
just your voice
just your face
our vineyards
and my beloved
just your flock
and my beloved
and my bed
and my soul and my soul and my soul and my soul
and my modest house
just you are sold
just your mother
just your wedding
just your hearth
and my love
just your eyes
just your vein
just your hair
just your teeth
just your lips
just your mouth
just your cheeks
just your vein
just your neck
just your two breasts
and my love
and my bright
and my heart
and my sister
and my bright
and my heart
just your eyes
just your necklace
just your love
and my sister
and my bright
just your love
just your eyes
just your lips
and my bright
just your tongue
just your ...
and my sister
and my bright
just your shoes
and my garden
and my beloved
and my garden
and my sister
and my bright
and my mouth
and my sides
and my honeycomb
and my honey
and my wine
and my milk
and my heart
and my beloved
and my sister
and my love
and my tongue
and my perfect one
and my head
and my looks
and my garment
and my feet
and my beloved
and my hand
and my heart
and my beloved
and my hands
and my fingers
and my beloved
and my beloved
and my soul
and my beloved
just your beloved
just your beloved
just your beloved
and my beloved
just your head
just your looks
just your eyes
just your cheeks
just your lips
just your arms
just your body
just your legs
just your appearance
just your speech
and my beloved
and my friend
just your beloved
and my beloved
just your garden
just your flock
and my beloved
and my beloved
just your flock
and my love
just your eyes
just your hair
just your teeth
just your cheeks
and my dove
and my perfect one
and my mother
and my fancy
and my prince
just your feet
just your rounded ...
just your naval
just your belly
just your two breasts
just your neck
just your eyes
just your nose
just your head
just your flowing looks
just your breasts
just your breasts
just your breath
just your kisses
and my beloved
just your desire
and my beloved
and my love
our goals
and my beloved
and my modest breast
and my mother
and my power credits
just your left hand
just your right hand
and my beloved
just your mother
just your heart
just your arm
our sister
and my breast
just your eyes
and my vineyard
and my very ...
and myself
just your voice
and my beloved

А ещё вы обязаны послушать и:

  • Молодость |2013|Рэп иллюстрации| | Миша Маваши
  • Убивая молодость | Руставели
  • Давай с тобою просто молодость прожжем? | Дети курят
  • You've Got The Love ost Молодость | Florence And The Machine
  • Молодость | Александр Пушной
  • ВИА "ДО СВИДАНИЯ, МОЛОДОСТЬ" - Твист | Несчастный Случай
  • Вечная Молодость | Чиж и Со.
  • Жестокая молодость | Русский Стяг
  • Молодость жива | В. Бурдин и К. Хашов
  • Когда проходит молодость | Л. Утесов
  • Молодость Professor Green instr. | the Doorbell & MiniAdi
  • Детство, Юность, Молодость | Федул Жадный
  • Моя молодость | Браво
  • Когда проходит молодость | ВИА Татьяна
  • вспоминаю, как ушла молодость | никулушкина анастасия
  • ты любишь парня одного.. | НАСТЮХА, молодость
  • Вестерн эх, молодость..да, Викки?? -) | Жанна Фриске и Таня Терешина
  • Молодость Программера | Юрий Нестеренко
  • Молодость программиста | Программеры


Видеоклип Bee Gees - You Should Be Dancing

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